Jesse is an all time favorite! She is an absolute dream to ride. She is a joy to be around; a true partner. Jesse is by Whizkey N Diamonds and out of a daughter of Gallo Del Cielo! She is a beautifully built, athletic mare that does everything so naturally! She is the kind that you can ride once a week, once a month or once a year and she is the same every time! She has had the same owner the last four years and has been healthy and sound with zero maintenance requirements. She is very level headed and safe for all levels. Jesse trail rides out well alone or in a group and handles all type of terrains. She will cross water, ditches, bridges, the teeter totter and works a gate like a pro etc. She handles the big city like she is in her own pasture! She loves attention, knows she is amazing and confidently carries herself wherever she goes. Jesse would make the perfect versatility ranch horse. She has a sweet jog, beautiful extended trot and short lope, side-passes, backs up, spins, sliding stops, neck reins, and will ride around looking fancy on a draping rein! She is an absolute blast to ride on cattle, very light, quick, and responsive; but comfortable, not too touchy/sensitive. She has helped me work colts in the roundpen and gives the youngsters her confidence. She goes right where you point her and stays with you mentally. She's extremely good natured, super sweet on the ground, gentle and quiet to catch, bathe, tack up, stands for mount and dismount, ties anywhere, and super about new places and situations. Watch her videos - She is everything you coud ever ask for!