Sweetest, most personable UNICORN ever!! Eat Smores, affectionally named Eddie will steal your heart!! Very ammy friendly, he’s a pleasure to ride and a barn favorite! Easy WTC with quality, comfortable gaits. More woah than go, he listens well to seat and leg. Eddie has a great feel in the bridle. Easily leg yields, side passes, backs, turns on the forehand and haunches. Confirmed training level and schooling 1st and 2nd level movements. Has the talent and brain for upper level dressage, this guy LOVES working in the arena, LOVES dressage work and never gets bored with it! He's so easy! Very obedient, patient, tries super hard and focuses really well. No buck/rear/bolt/bite/kick etc. and not spooky. Great in a busy ring, hauls out well and rides beautifully both indoors and outdoors. Doesn’t matter if it’s super windy or there’s chaos happening, he’s a steady-Eddie (ha!). Great on trails, he walks out nicely, goes through water, over bridges etc and is happy to lead or follow. Eddie also enjoys jumping, has jumped up to 2'3” and free jumped over 4’!! Very point and shoot, not at all looky. Easy to have around, he’s very tidy in his stall and paddock. Great turned out alone or in group turnout (middle to lower pecking order). Stands quietly for grooming, bathing, vacuuming and clipping, loves all the attention! Excellent for farrier, vet and dentist. UTD on everything including dental. Sound with no maintenance and barefoot with excellent feet! Easy to load and haul and great in new places. Also fine with time off, tack up and go no matter how long he's sat, he’s always eager to be ridden again! Super easy to catch, typically comes running when you call. While he shockingly sticks 15hh, he’s a big boy and wears a 78” Rambo blanket! Not too wide, he’s very comfortable to ride and wears a medium-wide to wide tree. Eddie is a rare find! He has the amazing gypsy disposition and movement without the cumbersome leg hair! He truly is the sweetest most lovable guy ever! Most amazing home is a must!