Serious inquiries leave your phone number or I will not respond. This boy is just gorgeous and sweet coming 3 in July. 5/8 friesian 1/8 thoroughbred 1/4 Missouri fox trotter 15.3 now Should mature to 16 hands plus. Excellent natural collection, brave, loves a job! Balanced conformation and movement Registered FHH Big ten mover! Little more about him… Loads in trailer Started in hand driving Ponies of horse or quad Has been saddled has not been ridden. Not spooky Has been ponied on trail rides. Led him over many obstacles! From birth he’s been imprinted and has had maximum exposure! Kind and willing citizen. Great with feet! Barefoot and not sensitive. X-rays on file. His sire is Djurre út 't Westen ster Sport elite AAA standing at stud at Dark Horse Friesians Sires page This boy could be your next anything horse! Stud, dressage, eventing, hunter jumper, cross country, working equitation, and the list goes on. Would make wonderful warmblood outcrosses. Please refer to