Poco is a phenomenal ranch and trail horse! He has the best handle and is so enjoyable to ride! Poco is well broke and quiet on the trails. He's happy to mosey along on a loose rein and picks up a nice jog or lope when asked. He has the best rocking chair lope. Poco goes out alone and with other horses. He crosses water, logs and is great on cattle in the pens or out in the pasture. He has been used for day work and gets the jog done well every time. He is patient and quiet, willing to just hangout and stand well without getting fidgety. He worked in the feed yard, cattle barns, sorted inside and outside, opens and shuts gates and been roped off of. Poco has a great stop, picks up both his leads, and has a smooth walk, jog, lope, with an excellent stop and turnaround. He is easy to catch, lead, load, haul, bathe, groom, pick feet, saddle, bridle, and good for the vet and farrier.