
Etaros Majk (Et Tu)
Chestnut Arabian Gelding
Horse ID: 2261721
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Photo Ad Expired 30-Apr-2024

Photos Expired 30-Apr-2024 • (-174) Days Expired

Pedigree for Etaros Majk

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
Stunning! See photo @ Allbreedpedigree
Full brother to US 100 Mile Champ
 Pyatigorsk  Pietuszok DWA
 Mistical Lady
 Resza  Rezus
 Gay Miracle
 Believe in Me
daughter of 1/2 brother to *Statistic
 El Kasaka  Patron
 I Believe  Pietuszok DWA
 RafFaranas Lady
 PV MyRose
Tremendous producer, very accomplished racing line
 Ghazni GASB
Two lines to Russian Triple Crown Champ Topol
 Saljut  Topol
 Gardenia  Gorset
 Ma Amoiselle
daughter of half brother to *Statistic
 El Kasaka  Patron
 Harpona  GayPolka

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2261721
has been viewed 3211 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 02-Nov-2023

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Keena Van Horn DVM
Covington, Virginia

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