1/20/25 we are able to properly communicate about Prime. Thank You ALL for your understanding. He is fine, dandy, and just as mellow and accepting as ever. He was never in ANY poor quality air; quite a way from fire. I will be contacting you all in the next few days. Jan 22nd: We are interviewing ranches and Trainers next week from Temecula to San Diego, please call. Here is what the marketing survey tells me. After you see, ride, talk Vet, approved via Trainer, or if you are a Trainer; It could be quite a feather in your cap: 1. Show lease until 5 yrs old (3/25) value should exponentially increase. 2. Receptive to proper lease/option. 3.Find a Sponsor and chase your dream. 4. Follow your heart, if it's meant to be, it will be. He is safe, loved and in excellent environment. (GOTTA do new video!) Extremely rare opportunity to own an athlete out of winning Olympic dressage lines. They just don’t show up like this. His Dad, Gold at Worlds, Medal in Paris, and yes, his Uncle had incredible success in Tokyo. Prime will be nine for 2028! Daddy just won London International 12/21/24!! He’s what you want. Easy and elastic, started by a wonderful woman that headlined in Vegas with talented equestrian athletes (we have photos!). He has no one. His Mommie passed before realizing her dream with her baby. Her sole heir, my best friend of 35 yrs (has two very young girls) has asked me to help her. Warm and Wonderful Equine Athletes is representing Prime at no cost. We have a pre-sale vet(about $4,000) healthy diet, nutritionally sound. Our dream is to see you in Galway ‘28! MUST BE Trainer Approved. Finally, pulled a couple photos off the video, much better. Under saddle a year, Trainer says he is ready to go at Training Level and working on 1st Level. He is quiet and accepting. Was evacuated three days after arriving at his new stable and it was very ho-hum. The first time he saw himself in a full size arena length mirror, he loved that! Believe me when I say, this is where you have a real shot. GLAMOURDALE is so easy! Check out YouTube, and the London international Horse and Hound show. Wow! Prime is already showing extreme familial traits of his father, even the way he moves in his bum. Wadda babe! We will consider a lease to a show home. It HAS to be in the So Cal area, and Galway would be very acceptable. I am letting everyone know the private treaty is the asking price. I think once he pulls mid 70's at Training Level, it will be fairly close to that. He's already doing some Level I but as a comin' 5yr old, he is right where he should be.. She may consider an offer for the perfect home. I have several consign barns (big in Calif) near Galway that are salivating to represent him AND they could walk to local shows. I told them if he is not sold or in an acceptable lease program by Feb 1st, we will entertain that type of aggressive marketing campaign. Call Louisa 310-874-2555