
The Majkshion (Majkshion)
Grey Arabian Gelding
Horse ID: 2261723
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Horse ID: 2261723 The Majkshion

HorseID: 2261723 The Majkshion - PhotoID: 1029883

HorseID: 2261723 The Majkshion - PhotoID: 1029884

HorseID: 2261723 The Majkshion - PhotoID: 1029882

HorseID: 2261723 The Majkshion - PhotoID: 1029885

Photos Expire 06-Nov-2024 • 16 Days Remaining

Pedigree for The Majkshion

1st Gen2nd Gen3rd Gen4th Gen
 Provocative Majk
Excellent coupling and disposition
 Main Smoke
excellent racing pedigree
 Ghazni GASB  Saljut
 Jaina  Pyatigorsk
 Jamelia NSB
 Provocative Too
1/2 sister to 15th finisher WEG Endurance
 Etaro  Protocall
 Believe in Me
 Provocative Lady  Pass
 Toregene KGI
correct, big and sane
Sire full brother to US Nat Champ Stall *Marsianin
 Mag  Aswan
 Nefisa  Salon
double *Tamerlan breeding!!!
 Tamerlan  Arax
 Trishia  Procent
 Tina Tersk

This Photo Ad for Horse ID #2261723
has been viewed 8446 Times.
Photo Added/Renewed: 10-May-2024

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Keena Van Horn DVM
Covington, Virginia

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